Cervical manual muscle testing is a fundamental component of the motor examination, allowing healthcare professionals to assess the strength, functional capabilities, and range of motion (ROM) of the neck muscles. By conducting manual muscle testing, clinicians can identify muscle imbalances, weaknesses, or dysfunctions that may contribute to pain, restricted range of motion, or impaired functional abilities in patients. This comprehensive guide will provide detailed information on the key neck muscles involved in manual muscle testing, outline the grading system used to assess muscle strength, describe the step-by-step evaluation procedures, and include essential equipment, indications, precautions, and contraindications for safe and effective testing.

Equipment required to perform cervical MMT

The following equipment is necessary:

  1. Goniometer: Used to measure the range of motion during flexion, extension, lateral flexion, and rotation evaluations.
  2. Tape measure: Used to measure the range of motion during flexion evaluations.
  3. Soft pillow: Provides support and comfort during patient positioning.
  4. Plinth or table: Provides a stable surface for patient positioning during evaluation procedures.

Range of Motion (ROM):

During cervical manual muscle testing, the range of motion for different movements is as follows:

  1. Flexion: Typically ranging from 0 to 45 degrees.
  2. Extension: Typically ranging from 0 to 45 degrees.
  3. Lateral Flexion: Typically ranging from 0 to 45 degrees.
  4. Rotation: Typically ranging from 0 to 90 degrees.

Evaluation Procedures: Step-by-Step Approach

To accurately assess the strength and range of motion of the neck muscles, healthcare professionals follow a systematic evaluation procedure.


  • ROM: 0° to 45° with a goniometer; 1.0 to 4.3 cm with a tape measure.


MuscleActionOriginInsertionNerve Supply
Sternocleidomastoid (SCM)Flexion, ipsilateral lateral flexion, contralateral rotationSternal head: Cranial aspect of the manubrium; Clavicular head: Superior border of the medial clavicleLateral surface of the mastoid process, lateral half of the superior nuchal line of the occipital boneSpinal accessory nerve (C2 and C3 anterior rami)
  • Palpation Site: The anterolateral aspect of the neck.
  • Secondary Movers: Rectus capitis anterior, Rectus capitis lateralis, Suprahyoid, Infrahyoid, Platysma, Scalenes, Longus capitis, Longus colli.

MMT for Neck Flexion

GradePositionPalpationStabilizationInstructions to PatientSubstitutionsIndication
0-2Patient: Lying on side with head supported by a pillow
Therapist: Standing beside the patient
Side of the neckLower thorax“Move your head forward”Corners of the mouth may be pulled down due to platysma contractionTorticollis
3-5Patient: Supine on a plinth
Therapist: Towards the head of the patient
Trunk stabilized by weight of the thorax“Lift your head without lifting your shoulders”Torticollis

*The 2 SCM muscles may be tested individually by rotation of the head to one side with neck flexion.


  • ROM : 0° – 45°

Primary Movers:

MuscleActionOriginInsertionNerve Supply
Splenius CapitisSlight rotation and lateral flexion of the headCaudal half of ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes C7-T4Occipital bone, lateral third of the superior nuchal line, mastoid processLateral branches of the dorsal primary cervical nerves
Semispinalis CapitisRotation of the spine to the opposite sideTips of the transverse processes C7-T7Between the superior and inferior nuchal lines of the occipital boneDorsal primary divisions of the cervical nerves
Cervicis MusclesLateral flexion and rotation of the headSpinous processes T3-T6Posterior tubercles C1-C3Dorsal primary branch of the spinal nerves
  • Palpation Site: Under the lateral borders of the upper trapezius.
  • Secondary Mover: Upper trapezius.

MMT for Neck Extension

GradePositionPalpationStabilizationInstructions to PatientSubstitutionsIndicationResistance
0-2Patient: Lying on side with head supported by pillow
Therapist: Standing beside the patient
Under the lateral border of the trapeziusWeight of the trunk is stabilized on the table“Try to move your head towards the back”Patient may use back musclesWeakness or spasm in neck extensors, blocking head action and sight
3-5Patient: Prone on the table
Therapist: Standing on the sides of the table
Weight of the trunk stabilized from the scapula“Pull your head up without lifting your shoulders”Patient may lift trunk and use back musclesSame as above, testing strength of neck extensorsApply distally on the head

*Neck lateral flexors and rotator muscles are generally tested in groups.

Lateral Flexion

  • ROM: 0° – 45°
SCM (Sternocleidomastoid)Flexion, rotation, lateral flexion of the headSternal head: Sternum (manubrium), Clavicular head: Medial third of the clavicleMastoid process of the temporal bone, lateral half of the superior nuchal line
Rectus Capitis LateralisLateral flexion and rotation of the headTransverse process of the atlas (C1)Basilar part of the occipital bone
Obliquus Capitis SuperiorExtension and rotation of the headTransverse process of the atlas (C1)Occipital bone, between the superior and inferior nuchal lines

MMT for Neck Lateral Flexion

GradePositionStabilizationSubstitutionsInstructions to PatientPalpationResistanceIndication
0-2Patient: Supine
Therapist: Standing beside the table
Shoulder is stabilizedShoulder can be used to substitute movement“Bend your head towards the sides”Side of the neck being testedTorticollis or head drop on one side
3-5Patient: Lying opposite to the side being tested, head supported by a soft pillow
Therapist: Standing beside the table
Shoulder is stabilizedShoulder can be used to substitute movement“Bend your neck upward”Not specifiedApply resistance on the head, hands placed above the earsSame as above


  • ROM – 0° – 90° on both sides.
MuscleActionOriginInsertionNerve Supply
SCM (Sternocleidomastoid)Contralateral rotationSternal head: Manubrium, Clavicular head: Medial third of the clavicleMastoid process of the temporal boneSpinal accessory nerve (C2-C3 anterior rami)
Other Rotators (Scalene, Semispinalis cervicis, Semispinalis capitis, Spinalis cervicis, Spinalis capitis, Erector spinae)Rotation and stabilizationVariousVariousCervical spinal nerves (C2-C8)

MMT for Neck Rotation

GradePositionStabilizationSubstitutionsInstructions to PatientPalpationResistanceIndication
0-2Patient: Sitting
Therapist: Standing on the side of the chair
Opposite side shoulder is stabilizedShoulder can be used to substitute movement“Rotate your head to the side being tested”
(For SCM: Rotate to opposite side)
Side of the neck being tested
(For SCM: Palpate opposite side)
Weak rotation of the neck
3-5Patient: Lying opposite to the side being tested, head supported by a soft pillow
Therapist: Standing on the side of the table
Same side shoulder is stabilizedShoulder can be used to substitute movement“Rotate your head to the side being tested”
(For SCM: Rotate to opposite side)
Apply resistance on the head, hands placed above the earsSame as above

* After performing the test carefully note the findings of the test in the patient’s assessment record.

Precautions and Contraindications

While performing cervical manual muscle testing, it is important to consider the following precautions and contraindications:


a. Ensure patient comfort and communicate clearly throughout the testing procedure.
b. Use caution when applying resistance to avoid excessive strain or injury to the patient.
c. Take note of any pain, discomfort, or adverse reactions reported by the patient during the evaluation.
d. Adhere to proper body mechanics to avoid strain or injury to the evaluator.


a. Acute or severe neck pain or inflammation.
b. Recent neck or spinal surgery.
c. Unstable cervical spine.
d. Acute trauma or injury to the neck region.
e. Known or suspected cervical spine fractures or dislocations.
f. Any condition where manual muscle testing may exacerbate symptoms or pose a risk to the patient’s well-being.


Cervical manual muscle testing is a valuable assessment tool for evaluating neck muscle strength, range of motion, and functional capabilities. By following a systematic approach and using a standardized grading system, healthcare professionals can identify muscle imbalances, weaknesses, and dysfunctions in patients with neck pain or musculoskeletal disorders. It is important to consider the equipment required, indications, precautions, and contraindications to ensure safe and effective testing. Cervical manual muscle testing provides valuable insights for developing appropriate treatment plans, monitoring progress, and optimizing patient outcomes.


Why test the neck manually?

To evaluate strength impairments from cervical disorders, nerve injuries, postural dysfunction, or other neuromusculoskeletal conditions.

How is neck extension tested?

The patient extends the neck while the examiner applies a downward force on top of the head.

What conditions are assessed with cervical testing?

Whiplash, arthritis, disc herniation, pinched nerves, torticollis, and post-surgical conditions.

Does insurance cover cervical manual testing?

Yes, cervical MMT is covered by most major medical insurance plans.

Is approval needed for cervical manual testing?

No special approval is needed beyond the referring provider’s request.

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